all incredible world: Top 10 Reasons To Be Single

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Top 10 Reasons To Be Single

So you think its great to be loved up! Well the grass is always greener on the other side.Your coupled up friends might envy your freedom and the fun you have sans a be(I)tter half. Truth is being in a relationship does not equal hand holding and flowers.So instead of moaning about your single status learn to love this time and do things that you want to do and be the person that you want to be before you settle into a pattern of couplehood that will change your life forever.
“Its better to be alone for the right reasons than to be with someone for the wrong reasons’
Now repeat after me ‘today is the first day for the rest of my life. After a breakup life can seem a bit, well lonely.But the good news is that now you have the independence to do what you want without someone else affecting your decisions.Everything that will take place now is entirely dependent on you. So if you want to move your life in another direction now is the time because after being in a relationship it is difficult to change.
The him/her demands
Missing a Justin Timberlake concert because his stupid band is playing in a mini mall or Blowing of a Basket ball game to attend her neices birthday party. Well now that is no longer an issue.You can have all the fun you want now cause there is no one stopping you.
The School Social Scene
Hanging by his locker waiting for him to acknowledge your existence as his girlfriend.Sick of waiting for him to say those 3 words ,8 letters.Well single people have it better. There is no stress socially especially that stress you get when your in a beginning of a relationship and you don’t know what to say when people ask you if you are going out or not.
Living your life the way you want
Want to become a vegetarian? Well now now that beef gobbling boyfriend of yours wont be there to stop you! If you want to  change something about yourself now is the time.So if you had been thinking of joining a band or even experimenting with a new hair color you have the liberty to do it all because in your single days you don’t have to worry about a better half not agreeing with a change in your lifestyle choice.
Learning new activities
Often with work/education/chores/extracurricular activities, our lifestyle don’t give us the luxury of spare time.We are burdened with the pressure to perform well in each task, throw in a relationship in the mix and you rarely have time to try new activities. So when on your not romantically involved with anyone, immerse yourself in a new activity that you always wanted to do but never had the time for it or if your boyfriend/girlfriend was not up for it.
The anxiety of hallmark holidays
It’s valentines day and your worried what to get him and after spending almost three hours at the mall getting a baseball signed by his favorite sportsperson you discover that he has gotten you …nothing! While being single on valentines day you and your single friends can scope out all the cute boys you want and buy each other as many chocolates and candies as possible!
Dealing with jerks/ bitches anymore
Anyone who thinks highly of them self will not settle for an idiot because he is available.So once your out of the relationship allow yourself time to heal. This is an opportunity to reflect on your self esteem and ask yourself .Do I deserve to be treated this way? Is it OK for anyone to hurt me and abuse me? If the answers to these questions is No, then move on and discover a much stronger you.
Looking at another girl without feeling guilty
Every guy likes to look at pretty chicks, and hey can you blame them !Admit it ladies we girls are pretty creatures! Single guys have the liberty of looking at a gorgeous female without being (falsely) accused of being a cheat, flirt or Mr.wandering eyes! So enjoy window shopping while your single cause after your bachelor status  ends all the shops are closed for good.
Knowing who your friends really are
This is one of the hardest things you will discover after your single. Many people are friends with you because your going out with a popular guy/girl and they just want to be a part of the ride.After a relationship ends mutual friends of both the parties take sides. So it is in times like these you will know which friend is on your side.
No monster inlaws
Monster in-laws are not necessarily mothers/fathers/siblings  or other family members,it’s also the annoying entourage of friends that come as package in a relationship .So now you don’t have to deal with friends of his that backbite and bitch about you or her girlfriends who always seem to be dissing you in front of her. Now you only deal with your  friends and your life and your problems. One word of advice its good to be selfish sometimes!This  is your time live it and love it!


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