Do you love dogs? Then go to Woofstock, the largest outdoor festival for funny, beautiful, ugly and elegant dogs in North America.
There were a lot of dogs here.
The miniature spires are widely spread in Canada. They are known for their sounding barking. What they do the whole day is to listen to their own barking. They can also be trained easily.
Three funny wolf spears are very greedy and won't let anyone to play with their toys. They bark from time to time.
Alaskan Malamutes bark very rarely. As pets, Malamutes have a very quiet temperament and are often loyal to their owners. The Alaskan Malamute is a member of the Spitz group of dogs, traced back 2,000 to 3,000 years ago to the Mahlemuits tribe of Alaska.
This curly wonder of nature has a barber of its own.
The Irish wolfhound is a very ancient breed that began its existence over 9000 years ago. The Irish wolfhound is sometimes regarded as the national dog breed of Ireland but in fact no breed has ever been officially adopted as such. It was historically a dog that only nobles could own and was taken up by the British during their rule in Ireland. This made it unpopular as a national symbol.
The Afghan hounds are fast, good-looking and elegant.
Rhodesian ridgeback come from Africa where they were used for hunting wild animals and refugee slaves. Besides, every true ridgeback needs to demonstrate a proper ridge or a skin fragment where hair grows in the opposite direction.
The ridge must be of a correct shape and symmetry. It starts behind the shoulders, lasts till the femur and contains only 2 identical curls in front of each other.
German dogs are beautiful and smart. Be careful with the dos as they run saliva and require constant control.
A curly spaniel. A spaniel is a type of gun dog. It is assumed that spaniels originated from Spain.
The French bulldogs snore a lot.
Englishmen refused to accept the dogs for a long time considering them inferior to English bulldogs.
The English bulldog who said: I like pigs. Dogs ehhhm.... Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals... Nope, I like dogs!
The American bulldog.This dog was originally breed from an English bulldog but moved over to America to breed with bigger different dogs.
The breed is domesticated but the dogs still strive for blood and fight.
The Boston Terriers are also very good at snoring.They are intelligent and friendly and can be stubborn at times. The average life span of a Boston Terrier is around 11 to 13 years, though some can live well into their teens.
The Schnauzers are fast and watchful. It is a German dog type that originated in Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. Friendly and loving, Schnauzers become part of their families and can get along well with children if raised and socialized properly.
The Chinese Chongqing Dog is a very rare breed which is considered by many as ungly and scary.
But the dogs are actually very cute and like posing for camera.
The most cheerful dog on the planet.
The German pointer hurdles easily and is a born winner.
Just one Brusselian griffon was found at the festival.
via heck-atomic
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